Share Link
Using the Share Link option, you can share with your followers links to websites, blog posts, articles or any other webpage that you think they may find interesting. To start, click the "Share Link" button in your Menu or Dashboard. The process to share a link mirrors the steps used to upload and share content.
To share a link on your social networks paste or type the website address of the link that you would wish to share. After you enter a Title and Caption, click "Share on Social" to move to the second step. The second step allows you to choose the networks to which you would like your link shared, and when you would like the post to appear. You can choose "Now" to have the post appear immediately, or use the Date and Time buttons to select a future time for your post. The third step is an overview, to make sure that everything appears correctly.

If you would prefer to share this with your Specialist and let he or she post it on your behalf, simply choose "Send to Sesame" in the first step.
Share Blog Content
There are certain events which deserve their own special blog post: events such as office gatherings, promotions, or contests. Perhaps you are offering a new product or service? Or maybe you have a new employee in the office? Using Share Blog Content, just answer a few short questions and let Sesame create a blog post for you!
To begin, select the "Share Blog Content" button from the Menu or Dashboard. On the first page, you can choose the type of blog you would like to share. Based on this, the next page will prompt you to answer several questions about the blog content.

After you have completed all of the questions, you can add a message to your Social Media Specialist, which may contain special instructions or requests. Then choose the date and time you would like your blog to be posted.
Once received, your Social Media Specialist will send your submitted content to our copywriter where the blog post will be created. Once complete, the blog will be posted on your behalf.
Please keep in mind that your Specialist may have a schedule that differs from your own. While he or she will make every effort to post your content according to the timeframe you have requested, we cannot guarantee that they will always be able to meet those requests.
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Our Search Team is available Monday through Friday, from 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM Pacific. You can reach the Social team at 866.856.2050 ext. 1 and the SEO team at 866.856.2050 ext. 2 or send us an email at [email protected].